Tuesday, December 7, 2010
The Universe and I
You're right. We have no role in the Universe. We might have one here on Earth, but I just cannot shake the feeling that if I look stare long enough into the abyss, it might just stare back at me.

Thursday, December 2, 2010
Living between moments
It's just one moment. One instant actually.
You can't take it back. You can't remake it. You can't go back to fix it.
And when that moment comes you can be either in stop light or behind it.
I saw more than I captured, and I consider my self happy and rich for it.
But there are those who see what they capture, and that's how I want to be.

You can't take it back. You can't remake it. You can't go back to fix it.
And when that moment comes you can be either in stop light or behind it.
I saw more than I captured, and I consider my self happy and rich for it.
But there are those who see what they capture, and that's how I want to be.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010
The road to...
We all do it, really. No matter what we do in life.
Weather you're a doctor with a God complex, saving lives everyday; or a teacher resenting the hell out of those ungrateful brats, but passing on the knowledge; or a construction worker that whistles obscenities at the leggy blond while building a respectful families home.
However some of us are doing an even better job at paving their road to hell.
Weather you're a doctor with a God complex, saving lives everyday; or a teacher resenting the hell out of those ungrateful brats, but passing on the knowledge; or a construction worker that whistles obscenities at the leggy blond while building a respectful families home.
However some of us are doing an even better job at paving their road to hell.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Tales through the glass
Over at this old, dusty and apparently forgotten shop I found all sort of toys lying around or facing the window shop as if they were looking at me.
Sounds crazy maybe, or torn from a horror movie, but it wasn't like that at all. It was as if my childhood imagination decided to drop me an unexpected visits and say hello.
And just as I used to when I was a kid, all those toys began to tell their tale.

Sounds crazy maybe, or torn from a horror movie, but it wasn't like that at all. It was as if my childhood imagination decided to drop me an unexpected visits and say hello.
And just as I used to when I was a kid, all those toys began to tell their tale.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010
It's all about us
wanna watch something? what? i don't know, you say. wanna watch the mountain that broke it's... haha, that makes me laugh each time. no, really, what are we watching? something smart. each other.
5 loathes of bread for one bottle of vodka, i like it here.
did we go into this house? i think so. but i don't know if it's deserted. it has a huge hole instead of a window and it's full of garbage, what do you think? it's deserted? a purple door. the windows also purple. how many frames do you have left?
passion fruit outside the flat, lemons and oranges on the way to work. and the sea of course. agitated. calm. i'm so happy it's always there.
again deserted houses. these building make no sense. what a lack of coordination.
sheftalia place. "take a way" is funny every time.
so many cats, if there weren't any people this would a city of the cats. but it's better than stray dogs.
left or right, promenade or zabriskie point. yes, or old town. cathedral. antique store. the square. cinema. little street. and the water tower. i think we're running in circles. i know, that's ok, i like it this way.
veranda with ... another block of flats, but i see it from our apartment. coffee in a can and tobacco in a bag. can you roll me a ciggy and i'll make the bed? how about you roll me a ciggy and you make the bed too. wanna eat something? nah, tomorrow.
photos. books. internet. it's down again. i hate prime tel.
beach with lots of sun. ah, a bath in the sea, that would be great now. lay down. i don't know if i can swim to the border.
words evaporate in thoughts that get caught on film. or in pixels.
we roll another cigarette.
i never thought freedom would be this peaceful.

5 loathes of bread for one bottle of vodka, i like it here.
did we go into this house? i think so. but i don't know if it's deserted. it has a huge hole instead of a window and it's full of garbage, what do you think? it's deserted? a purple door. the windows also purple. how many frames do you have left?
passion fruit outside the flat, lemons and oranges on the way to work. and the sea of course. agitated. calm. i'm so happy it's always there.
again deserted houses. these building make no sense. what a lack of coordination.
sheftalia place. "take a way" is funny every time.
so many cats, if there weren't any people this would a city of the cats. but it's better than stray dogs.
left or right, promenade or zabriskie point. yes, or old town. cathedral. antique store. the square. cinema. little street. and the water tower. i think we're running in circles. i know, that's ok, i like it this way.
veranda with ... another block of flats, but i see it from our apartment. coffee in a can and tobacco in a bag. can you roll me a ciggy and i'll make the bed? how about you roll me a ciggy and you make the bed too. wanna eat something? nah, tomorrow.
photos. books. internet. it's down again. i hate prime tel.
beach with lots of sun. ah, a bath in the sea, that would be great now. lay down. i don't know if i can swim to the border.
words evaporate in thoughts that get caught on film. or in pixels.
we roll another cigarette.
i never thought freedom would be this peaceful.

Thursday, July 15, 2010
All those sweet bitter memories
I woke up yesterday to the sound of sirens. Because yesterday, the 15 of July they commemorate the first attack of Turkey over Cyprus. And apart from thoughts like, oh my God, what if they attack again and why are these sirens so damn loud, I began to think of about all those collective memories that countries keep record of and celebrate or commemorate at given times.
It seems to me like we tend to accent all the violence that occurred during the existence, the rise or the fall of our country. We make a big deal out of all the wars that "freed" us for example. The war of independence is the best example. And we feel the need to express our happiness loudly omitting to think for a second that no matter the cause, nor the outcome of that war, weather it was gaining autonomy or a new piece of land, it was still a war. A war that killed people, a war that was started and lead by just a couple of men how had to prove something. You would say revolutions are different, but no matter how well justified they are on paper, we still need to at least stop for a moment and think that none of these were conducted on petal of roses. When you see the documentaries it seems like the killing and the destroying done so "well" is what we were put here to do in the first place.
And I understand why we celebrate our day of independence, the revolutions that brought us so called freedom - I'm not getting into that now - and I get why we need to remember all the wars and the terror they caused. You can't close your eyes and pretend it never happened. As you hear so often "people need to know". But it seems to me like we haven't learned anything and moreover like we are running on a spiral whose circles are getting bigger and bigger as our weapons get bigger an bigger. Nuclear weapons? How could a man of science ever invent that?
I don't want to carry on with this anymore because it's depressing. I would just like to say that I wish people would hold on more to happier memories. Like this English man who seemed so proud that I was taking pictures of his car. I can even imagine the day he bought it. What I love about this car is that it no longer represents the desire for materialistic goods. It's a beautiful memory of an old man retired in Cyprus to live out his golden years.

It seems to me like we tend to accent all the violence that occurred during the existence, the rise or the fall of our country. We make a big deal out of all the wars that "freed" us for example. The war of independence is the best example. And we feel the need to express our happiness loudly omitting to think for a second that no matter the cause, nor the outcome of that war, weather it was gaining autonomy or a new piece of land, it was still a war. A war that killed people, a war that was started and lead by just a couple of men how had to prove something. You would say revolutions are different, but no matter how well justified they are on paper, we still need to at least stop for a moment and think that none of these were conducted on petal of roses. When you see the documentaries it seems like the killing and the destroying done so "well" is what we were put here to do in the first place.
And I understand why we celebrate our day of independence, the revolutions that brought us so called freedom - I'm not getting into that now - and I get why we need to remember all the wars and the terror they caused. You can't close your eyes and pretend it never happened. As you hear so often "people need to know". But it seems to me like we haven't learned anything and moreover like we are running on a spiral whose circles are getting bigger and bigger as our weapons get bigger an bigger. Nuclear weapons? How could a man of science ever invent that?
I don't want to carry on with this anymore because it's depressing. I would just like to say that I wish people would hold on more to happier memories. Like this English man who seemed so proud that I was taking pictures of his car. I can even imagine the day he bought it. What I love about this car is that it no longer represents the desire for materialistic goods. It's a beautiful memory of an old man retired in Cyprus to live out his golden years.

Friday, June 11, 2010
One point of view
I haven't been in this sport for long. And I'm not exactly the one to give advice on photography. But I feel like I learned a couple of things.
Like don't try too hard to conceptualize everything, some things speak for themselves. And some won't get the message across no matter how hard you want them to.
Don't be lazy. The objects only seem come closer when zooming. If your lens can't focus anymore, that's when you're too close. And nothing looks the same from different angles.
Lighting is important, never underestimate it.
Improvise, brainstorm on your own. Even if you think it may not look that good try it anyway if you never did it before.
Don't be afraid to ask and accept criticism. You may get great ideas. And most of all be self-critical. But not to the point where nothing's good enough. You are where you are.
And don't take photos just to show off where you've been or what your camera can do. Art is selfish enough as it is. Try to give a little too. :)
And there's more where that came from, but I don't want to go over my head. I'm not over cliche landscapes yet.

Like don't try too hard to conceptualize everything, some things speak for themselves. And some won't get the message across no matter how hard you want them to.
Don't be lazy. The objects only seem come closer when zooming. If your lens can't focus anymore, that's when you're too close. And nothing looks the same from different angles.
Lighting is important, never underestimate it.
Improvise, brainstorm on your own. Even if you think it may not look that good try it anyway if you never did it before.
Don't be afraid to ask and accept criticism. You may get great ideas. And most of all be self-critical. But not to the point where nothing's good enough. You are where you are.
And don't take photos just to show off where you've been or what your camera can do. Art is selfish enough as it is. Try to give a little too. :)
And there's more where that came from, but I don't want to go over my head. I'm not over cliche landscapes yet.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Monday, May 24, 2010
Le secret
Monday, February 22, 2010
Statea drept pe varful stancii cu ochii la vaporul din departare. Se concentra pentru a gasi punctul cel mai apropiat pe care s-ar putea opri sa se odihneasca odata plecat. Caci valurile erau mari si pana la vapor era drum lung.
Isi ridica aripile incent si-apoi le aseza usor la loc. Incepura sa ii amorteasca. Dar nu putea pleca, vantul batea din fata si asta l-ar incetini.
Nici un dig, nici o barca, doar marea adanca intre el si vapor. Nu avea cum sa ajunga. Chiar si daca i-ar bate vantul din spate si tot n-ar fi de ajutor prea mare. Ar trebui sa zboare pana undeva sus de tot si de acolo sa planeze catre vapor. Si daca nu ajunge destul de sus?
Atunci auzi un zgomot familiar. Intoarse capul si-i vazu iar pe toti. Erau iar adunati pe malul marii si zburau in cerc in jurul unui om care-i hranea. Uneorii, oamenii se mai gandesc si la altii.
A stat o vreme acolo pe stanca, uitandu-se la fratii lui cum zboara in cerc. La ce bun sa zbori in cerc? se gandi el. In cerc poti sa si mergi, nu-i nevoie de aripi. Si-o lua in sus spre cer.

Isi ridica aripile incent si-apoi le aseza usor la loc. Incepura sa ii amorteasca. Dar nu putea pleca, vantul batea din fata si asta l-ar incetini.
Nici un dig, nici o barca, doar marea adanca intre el si vapor. Nu avea cum sa ajunga. Chiar si daca i-ar bate vantul din spate si tot n-ar fi de ajutor prea mare. Ar trebui sa zboare pana undeva sus de tot si de acolo sa planeze catre vapor. Si daca nu ajunge destul de sus?
Atunci auzi un zgomot familiar. Intoarse capul si-i vazu iar pe toti. Erau iar adunati pe malul marii si zburau in cerc in jurul unui om care-i hranea. Uneorii, oamenii se mai gandesc si la altii.
A stat o vreme acolo pe stanca, uitandu-se la fratii lui cum zboara in cerc. La ce bun sa zbori in cerc? se gandi el. In cerc poti sa si mergi, nu-i nevoie de aripi. Si-o lua in sus spre cer.

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