Like don't try too hard to conceptualize everything, some things speak for themselves. And some won't get the message across no matter how hard you want them to.
Don't be lazy. The objects only seem come closer when zooming. If your lens can't focus anymore, that's when you're too close. And nothing looks the same from different angles.
Lighting is important, never underestimate it.
Improvise, brainstorm on your own. Even if you think it may not look that good try it anyway if you never did it before.
Don't be afraid to ask and accept criticism. You may get great ideas. And most of all be self-critical. But not to the point where nothing's good enough. You are where you are.
And don't take photos just to show off where you've been or what your camera can do. Art is selfish enough as it is. Try to give a little too. :)
And there's more where that came from, but I don't want to go over my head. I'm not over cliche landscapes yet.

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