Tuesday, February 10, 2009


"There is so much more to this world than what we build" he said to me calmly. "But I guess that's the downside of evolution."
I wanted to intervene at that point with a witty personal remark on evolution, but I didn't. I just sat there and chose to simply enjoy the view and his presence so close to me. A moment of hesitation, than I turned my head to see his face. I hoped he'd do the same, see the look on my face and guess what I was thinking. But he didn't. He kept gazing at this invisible point on the horizon while his thoughts were probably way past me by now.
"So, why don't we just stop?" I asked trying to find the invisible point on the horizon.
"Stop?" he asked with a smile and finally turned his head to me.
"We can't turn back now" I said "we've come too far. I guess in the end, we got what we deserved, both bad and good. So, we might as well enjoy it."
"What is there to enjoy?" he asked.
I supposed he waiting for an answer that would make this conversation turn a little lighter. But I was in no mood for absurd and comic comments on existential symbolism.
"There's so much to enjoy..." I replied. "Don't forget, we get to pick the moment we want to stop in."
"And hopefully, get lost in."
And right there, on the roof top, the smile that came with that last sentence made me realize i had nothing to be afraid of. There really was no turning back. Only an endless series of moments, each of them unique in their perfection.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Lumină şi culoare

Fără început şi fără sfârşit, cu lumină şi culoare din suflet, o promisune de demult pe care cerul nu ne lasă să o zgâriem.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Puncte de suspensie

Gandeste drept, calculeaza posibilitatile, prevezi consecintele si alege corect. Alb, plastifiat, partrat, biodegradabil, inodor, transparent, dublu, simplu, degresat, ermetic, conditionat, programat. Alege si potriveste-le intr-un sistem de valori minimale. Umple cu ele golurile din constiinta.

Imagineaza-ti ce-ar fi daca intr-o dimineata ne-am trezi alegand sa nu alegem nimic? O mare masa de neintegrati care oricum nu mai au in ce sa se integreze, deci o mare masa de adaptati. Pana una, alta fumez tigara de filtru pentru ca asa e. Pentru ca nu poti alege sa deschizi usa ridicand de clanta, ci doar apasand-o.

Inteleg toate astea si nu trebuie sa mi se repete de o mie de ori ce este realitatea. Cand ma uit la un grup de oameni holbandu-se la dreptunghiul desenat cu creta pe perete zambesc in sinea mea. Ei nu stiu ca de fapt, cheia e la mine. Asta-i realitatea. Si supravietuiesc in ea pentru ca impart cheia.