And no, I did not believe that greedy greeting card companies forced this holiday on us to make a profit, I was 8 for God's sake. It was simply thinking that I am not more of a child on the 1s of June than I am on any other day. Why celebrate my childhood on that day? The birthday makes sense, I was born on THAT day, but children's day? Why then and why celebrate? I was a child and my celebration was continuous through my play.
I remember I used to try to do something special on that day, but it just seemed so fake because I didn't have to try to be a child, I was a child. My birthday was different, it was special because I was gaining one year and I was realizing (not consciously) that I am assuming a new role with each passing year, with changing grades etc.
So here comes the question: why did we create this holidays for children?
Today is 1st of June, children's day, and I am so happy I got to celebrate it by making mosaics and taking pictures of the pavement because I can no longer draw on it with coloured chalk. I'm almost 24 years old and I just now get it, why we have children's day. And to all the adults out there reading this... children don't need the holiday, but you do, so enjoy it!

The World Conference for the Well-being of Children in Geneva, Switzerland proclaimed June 1 to be International Children's Day in 1925. It is not clear as to why June 1 was chosen as the International Children's Day: one theory has it that the Chinese consul-general in San Francisco (USA) gathered a number of Chinese orphans to celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival in 1925, which happened to be on June 1 that year, and also coincided with the conference in Geneva. ('s_Day#International_Children.27s_Day).
"why did we create this holidays for children?" why did we create mothers day. fathers day, anti smoke day, and all those days...
Well let me think a little ... MONEY. If you look right now at what is happening you will see parents spending their money all of kind off crap(toys, games, PC, junk food - yes and the spend more then they do on any other day).
And if they can't be with their kids on this day they give them more money just to's all about the money.
Good i really with that we would all just f....die...i`m sick of the "homo sapience lammina".
Thanks for the comment hbubur, you are right, we do make a lot of things for money. However I was trying to explore a different side of the matter.
I was trying to move the discussion from greedy companies trying to make a profit to our inner desire to relive childhood. :-)
On the other hand, hbubur and Natalia, there was a time when the UNO and other similar organizations proclaimed holidays because things or concepts like love and care still had a meaning. People still inhaled the air of common sense which, these days, is ridiculous, to say the leas and money driven initiatives were not so obviously mercantile. You will ask: It's all a matter of good dissimulation?
I couldn't care less; as a child, I had the chance to be impressed by such things as charity and acting for the well-being of the world. This saved me from becoming a cybernetic person. Plus I had a really charmed childhood. Maybe we do have too many "days", but what about the staggering number of "phobias" in the dictionary? Damn, I didn't know people can develop so many allergies!!! I like to believe that all these phobias were fabricated,they can't all be real. So I say: on children's day let the children play in the dirt and eat an unwashed natural tomato!
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